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Technology in the FM World
There is an urgent need to prepare for the technology innovation and implementation that is unfolding. The primary focus needs to be how people, financial, and technology resources can be deployed for the best “experience” and results that align with the corporate objectives of the organization. This will require the adoption of relevant technologies that will have a positive impact on how FM staff serve their internal clients, make decisions, and operate buildings with high client satisfaction and the preservation of asset values.
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A for FM (Analytics x Advice = A )
GFMA developed A² for FM™, Analytics times Advice, a software platform to help FM organizations in two distinct ways: competency in FM core knowledge and skills, and capability maturity, how well a qualified team, workgroup, or department will create and improve processes that deliver needed results.
A² for FM™ accomplishes both objectives at the same time. The method adjusts conveniently and economically to circumstances, supporting the FM organization in matching personnel with the FM competence and capability maturity aspects of project or program performance. Facility management competencies employed in A² for FM™ arise from IFMA, the International Facility Management Association, where they are rigorously derived and maintained. GFMA applies the principles of the Capability Maturity Model Integrated, originated by the CMMI Institute (currently within ISACA).
Available in Q1 2023
Digital Transformation
The proliferation and elaboration of FM technologies reflects expectations evolving in every industry, sector, and region for producing, using, and sharing business and technical information.
GFMA can provide guidance and direction regarding a plan and strategy that ensures data is captured and harnessed in compliance with the relevant standards (ISO 38500 and ISO 8000) to enable informed decisions and delivery of defined business outcomes.
Built Environment
Technology for the built environment is undergoing rapid change and continuous innovation in the delivery of smart buildings, cities, and spaces leveraging disruptive technologies. GFMA partners with Blue IoT to implement the award-winning Encompass Blue IoT platform.
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